Drifting an hour offshore…

To the Nautilus Team,

Your Nautilus LifeLine GPS (new version) saved our asses today. We (6 divers) were drifting an hour offshore in big swells and strong current. The boat skipper lost track of our bubbles through no fault of his own. When we didn’t surface after an hour, he sent out a signal alerting all boats in the area. Meanwhile we inflated our sausages, but a couple of passing boats either didn’t see us or didn’t want to.

After 45 minutes of drifting, K triggered her LifeLine. Another boat finally saw us and picked us up. Just then two helicopter circled overhead, one from the fire department and one from the coast guard. If the boat hadn’t spotted us we still would have been rescued.

I have to admit I didn’t bring my LifeLine this trip, but am thankful K brought hers. I’ll never again go diving without it.


Eric H.